31 January 2025





            The Permanent Mission of the Philippines to ASEAN, through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), is pleased to invite you to submit an Open Quotation for the procurement of Security Services, subject to the Technical Specifications and General Conditions stated herein, on or before 5:00 PM, Friday, 07 February 2025, described as follows:

Name of Project                                               : Procurement of Security Services for the Permanent

                                                                        Mission of the Philippines to ASEAN in Jakarta, Indonesia

Contract Period                                                : 11 February 2025 to 10 February 2026

Technical Specifications                                  : Please refer to attached Terms of Reference

General Conditions of the Contract:

  1. Prices should be inclusive of all relevant taxes and fees, including delivery charges to the Mission’s address, on-site set-up, and at least one year warranty on all equipment;
  1. Prices shall not exceed the Approved Budget of the Contract (ABC), bids that exceed the ABC shall not be accepted;
  1. Prices shall be quoted in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) and payment will be made also in IDR on a monthly basis;
  1. Prices are considered fixed, and are not subject to price escalation during the whole contract period.
  1. The bidder must submit the following documentary requirements:
  1. Certified copy of Business permit or Mayor’s permit issued by the city or municipality where the principal place of business of the prospective bidder is located;
  2. Income tax returns;
  3. Company profile;
  4. Annual Financial Statements for the last two years; and
  5. Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC) or a commitment from a Universal or Commercial Bank to extend a credit line in its favor if awarded the contract for this Project (CLC).

* NFCC = [(Current assets minus current liabilities) (K)] minus the value of all outstanding or uncompleted portions of the projects under ongoing contracts, including awarded contracts yet to be started coinciding with the contract for this Project.


K = 10 for a contract duration of one year or less, 15 for a contract duration of more than one year up to two years, and 20 for a contract duration of more than two years.

  1. The BAC reserves the right to request for or waive any documentary requirement taking into consideration the usual trade and business practices being observed in Indonesia in accordance with Government Policy Procurement Board (GPPB) Resolution No. 28-2017. The BAC may also not conduct physical meetings with prospective bidders and other procurement activities due to the current COVID19 situation in Jakarta;
  1. This Request must not be taken as a guarantee that the Mission shall enter automatically into a contract; and should a contract be entered into, this will in no way be construed as a waiver of the Mission’s sovereign immunity;
  1. The bidder that submits the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid shall be awarded the contract subject to the best interests of the Philippine Government.

For further inquiries or clarifications, please refer to:

Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) Secretariat

Permanent Mission of the Philippines to ASEAN

Jalan Wijaya XVI No. 3-5, Melawai, Kebayoran Baru

Jakarta Selatan 12160, Republic of Indonesia

Tel no. (+6221) 72789030

Fax no. (+6221) 72789020

Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




BAC Chairperson


Terms of Reference


PROJECT NAME          :       Procurement of Security Services for the Permanent Mission of the Philippines to ASEAN in Jakarta, Indonesia

CONTRACT PERIOD     :     11 February 2025 to 10 February 2026

APPROVED BUDGET FOR THE CONTRACT     : IDR 1,100,000,000.00  / year



The Permanent Mission of the Philippines to ASEAN in Jakarta, Indonesia intends to procure Security Services for the period of 11 February 2025 to 10 February 2026 (One year).



The objective of this undertaking is to procure security services for the Mission from a reputable company.



The selection of a contractor for this project shall be done in accordance with Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) Resolution 28-2017 dated 31 July 2017 (Guidelines for the Procurement of Goods and Services, Infrastructure Projects, and Consulting Services to be Procured and Performed Overseas).


The Permanent Mission of the Philippines to ASEAN in Jakarta, Indonesia, by entering into a contract with the successful bidder, does not waive its sovereign immunity, as the project is being undertaken as an official act. In this regard, any conflict arising from the implementation of the project shall be resolved through negotiations.


The Contractor shall be an agency duly licensed by appropriate government authorities to render security and related services, registered, organized and existing under Indonesian laws.

The Contractor shall render 24/7 security services to protect and safeguard all the Mission’s properties, personnel (including their properties), equipment and motor vehicles, within the premises of the Mission and from physical threats, theft, pilferage, robbery and/or other unlawful acts.

The Contractor shall provide the following emergency services only as needed or as requested by the Mission’s personnel (including their dependents):

  1. Emergency evacuation to the airport;
  2. Emergency medical evacuation to a hospital;
  3. Emergency evacuation and/or rescue during natural/ man-made calamities and;
  4. Emergency response and/or rescue including coordination with relevant authorities of the Indonesian Government in cases such as but are not limited to the breach of the Mission’s premises, terror attacks, civil unrest.

The Contractor shall only charge the Mission for the aforementioned services when the services are actually utilized. A complete breakdown of the charges shall be included in the invoice.

The Contractor shall provide a minimum of four (4) security guards to be rotated on a 12-hour working schedule daily at two (2) working shifts.
At no instance shall there be fewer than two (2) security guards left at post at daytime and one (1) in the evening.

The Contractor shall provide the Mission with qualified, duly licensed, bonded, uniformed, highly trained and armed security guards with the following qualifications:

  1. Indonesian Citizen.
  2. Must possess Kartu Tanda Anggota (KTA).
  3. Physically and mentally fit.
  4. Must have completed at least senior high school.
  5. Not less than twenty-one (21) years old but not more than fifty-five (55) years of age.
  6. Height must be at least 5’7” for male guards and 5’2” for female guards.
  7. Ideal weight shall be at least 145 lbs. for male guards and 110 lbs. for female guards. 
  8. Must have passed the neuropsychiatric test and drug test conducted by any government-accredited center.  
  9. Must have no derogatory (administrative or criminal) record.
  10. All security guards shall be required to submit extensive background checks prior to deployment.
  11. Must have police training and training in firefighting, search and rescue operations, evacuation, general emergency procedures and crowd disturbance management (CDM) with appropriate certification from the contractor’s duly-licensed training facility prior to deployment.
  12. Must be trained in administering first aid with appropriate certification.
  13. Must be properly oriented with Covid-19 prevention protocols. 
  14. Must be well-trained, courteous, hardworking, and cooperative, physically and mentally fit and possess good moral character.
  15. Must speak and understand Basic English language.
  16. These personnel shall be required to submit, upon effectivity of the contract, police clearance and Medical Certificate. The clearance should be valid for the duration of the contract. No personnel shall be deployed without valid clearance and certificate.
The Contractor shall provide the Mission with copies of the latest background checks conducted on the four (4) Security Guards within one month from the effectivity of the contract.
The Contractor shall conduct a security assessment of the Mission’s premises within two weeks prior to the effectivity of the contract.

The Contractor shall provide reliable 24/7 CCTV monitoring services. The Contractor shall provide the following equipment and services:

  1. CCTV cameras (six units);
  2. LCD Monitor (one unit);
  3. Cables;
  4. Power supplies;
  5. CCTV monitoring software;
  6. Top of the line Digital Video Recorders (DVR);
  7. Secure archiving of surveillance;
  8. Regular submission of reports;
  9. Other equipment and services necessary or as requested by the Mission.

Cost of repair, maintenance or loss of the above-mentioned equipment shall be shouldered by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall connect or sync the Mission’s existing CCTV cameras (five units) to their system. Cost of maintenance and repair of the aforementioned cameras shall likewise be shouldered by the Contractor.

The live feed from the Contractor’s CCTV units (6) as well as the Mission’s units (5) shall be readily accessible through the use of a computer and other mobile devices such as a phone or a tablet at all times.

The Contractor shall conduct an assessment of the Mission’s premises to strategically plan the locations of CCTV cameras in the following areas – street view, front entrance, pool side, main lobby, 2nd floor, and other areas as may be determined by the Mission.
Approval of the Mission’s Administrative and Security Officer must be secured before the installation.
The installation of the CCTV cameras and other equipment shall be supervised by the Mission’s Security Officer.
The Contractor shall conduct Security Risk Assessment of the Mission every three months and submit them in writing to the Mission’s Security Officer.

The Contractor shall provide its security guards with proper uniforms and paraphernalia including identification cards and visible identification badges.

The Contractor shall provide at all times, at its own expense, the following equipment:

 a. One (1) mobile phone

b. One (1) handheld metal detector

c. One (1) Securitas vision

d. Two (2) units of portable handheld radios each with microphone,

earpiece, charger and corresponding accessories.

e. One (1) vehicle inspection mirror

f. One (1) Power flashlight with extra batteries

g. One (1) umbrella

h. One (1) Rain Jacket

i. One (1) Safety Mask (Full face respirator mask)

j. One (1) pair of safety shoes

k. One (1) pair of rain boots

l. One (1) safety glass

m. One (1) traffic vest for guards manning the front gate.

n. One (1) first aid kits

o. Four (4) Vision Token

p. Two (2) Phone voucher

q. One (1) Safety helmet

r. One (1) stick light

The Contractor shall shoulder the cost of repair, maintenance or loss of all its equipment.

The Contractor shall provide 24/7 19 units of smoke detector with fire alarm connected to each of the smoke detector device.


  1. The Contractor shall install it in different areas of the Mission premises which is hazardous to fire.
  2. It shall be working 24/7 and should be inspected/monitor by the Contractor on a daily basis.
  3. The Contractor should replace any fire detector unit that is not functioning in any given time.
At no instance shall the Contractor remove from the Mission’s premises the above equipment without written notification and approval from the Mission’s Administrative Officer.
The Contractor shall guarantee that all of the above-listed equipment are delivered within seven (7) working days of the effectivity of contract.
Failure on the part of the winning Contractor to deliver all the equipment within the allocated seven (7) working days shall be an explicit authorization for the Mission to draw from the performance security posted by the company in the amount of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Indonesian Rupiah (IDR 1,500,000.00) for each day of delay. The Mission shall have the right to inspect and test the capabilities of all equipment listed above and refuse acceptance of inoperable equipment.

The Contractor shall likewise provide, at its own expense, the following additional services when required by the Mission:

  1. Security planning (to be submitted to the Security Officer);
  2. Specialized investigation;
  3. Liaise with the local police for the purpose of referring cases involving breach of security or any unusual incidents occurring within the premises of the Mission.

The Contractor shall provide daily news alerts, security advisories, demonstration notifications, and other relevant updates on security, if any, to the following email addresses:

  1. Mission’s official email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
  2. Mission’s Administrative Officer: ; and
  3. Mission’s Security Officer:

The Contractor shall conduct refresher courses/related trainings (fire-fighting, first aid and medical evacuation, earthquake drill and evacuation, search and rescue operations and crowd disturbance management) from duly licensed training facilities every three (3) months.

A supervisor designated by the Contractor shall conduct random checks of its security guards at least twice a day and report the findings to the Mission’s Security Officer.

At no instance shall a guard be permitted to render service beyond a period of twelve hours continuously. A violation of this condition shall be considered sufficient ground to terminate the contract.
The Contractor shall not remove or replace any of its assigned guards without the written approval of the Mission’s Administrative Officer.
In the event that one of the security guards will not be able to report for work, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Administrative Officer of the Mission in writing with a copy of the reliever’s valid identification card.

The Contractor shall submit a detailed price computation (cost breakdown) with the following format:

  1. Amount to be paid directly to each guard
  2. Amount to be paid to government in favor of each guard (BJPS, et. al.)
  3. Operational expenses
  4. Value Added Tax
The total Contract Price shall be binding on the Contractors regardless of its errors in the computation of the said total Contract Price. Should the Contract Price submitted be lower than the minimum amount necessary to cover the wages and other allowances of its employees, the Contractor shall be deemed to have shouldered the difference in amount, from its own financial resources. In no case should the total Contract Price be lower than the minimum rate required by the minimum wage law of Indonesia.
The Contractor shall ensure that it rightly complies with the local labor laws such as the regular payment of salaries, overtime, holiday pay and other allowances/bonuses, access to comprehensive and quality health services, payment of social security contributions, entitlement to holidays and leave credits, and other benefits.
The Contractor shall guarantee that all guards deployed for the duration of the contract are regular workers of the company and at no instance shall the Contractor deploy trainees.

The Contractor is liable for any and all losses and damages to the Mission’s property, its officials and personnel, or third persons, caused by the contractor’s personnel and/or attributable to their fault, negligence or misbehavior within the premises.
The Contractor shall guarantee that it shall not subcontract, assign or transfer any and all of its rights and obligations under the services contract to any third party without the prior written consent of the Mission. Failure on the part of the Contractor to observe this condition shall be considered as sufficient ground for the Mission to terminate the contract.
The Contractor shall guarantee the right of the Mission to inspect, at all times, the services rendered by the company’s guards with the view of determining the quality and acceptability of the services rendered by the Contractor.
The Contractor and all its representatives and security guards shall comply with the security and safety rules and regulations of the Mission and respect its diplomatic status pursuant to the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
The Contractor’s security guards shall be allowed access to the Mission only during their respective scheduled work and shall confine themselves within their respective assigned areas of work.
The Contractor shall conduct random drug tests of its security guards and apprise the Mission’s Administrative Officer and Security Officer of the results.
The Contractor shall immediately replace any of the security guards whose deployment is found prejudicial to the Mission’s interest. The Mission may ban said personnel from entry to its premises.  The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among its guards.

Pursuant to Section 39 of RA 9184, the Contractor shall post a Performance Security in any of the forms prescribed under Section 39.2 of the IRR of RA 9184 (For cash, cashier’s/manager’s check, Bank draft/guarantee or irrevocable letter of credit issued by a Universal or Commercial Bank, the Performance Security is at least 5% of the Total Contract Price; for Surety bond, the Performance Security is at least 30% of the Total Contract Price). Failure by the Contractor to perform duties and responsibilities in accordance with the contract, shall result in the forfeiture of the Performance Security.

The Mission shall collect penalties and liquidated damages directly from the Contractor in the event that the damages exceed the amount of the Performance Security posted.

The Contractor shall submit a written report to the Mission’s Administrative Officer and Security Officer on any reported loss, theft, pilferage or illegal act, and any investigation including the final outcome of the contractor’s own in-house investigation on the same, occurring within the Mission’s premises.

There shall be no employer-employee relationship between the Mission and the contracted security guards. 

The employer-employee relationship shall be between the Contractor and the contracted security guards.

The contract shall cover a period of one (1) year that could be extended at the option of the Mission on a month-to-month basis not exceeding one (1) year and under the same terms and conditions as provided for under the original contract. The total Contract Price submitted by interested bidders shall refer to the Contract Price for the original contract period of one (1) year.


Monthly payment will be made within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the monthly official invoice.