JPM-Press Release-2021-37

AF Townhalll

The panelists of the ASEAN Foundation Alumni Townhall:(First row, L-R) Dr.  Yang Mee Eng, AF Executive Director and Ambassador Yeap Samnang of Cambodia (Second row, L-R) Ambassador Ade Padmo Saworno of Indonesia and Ambassador Kamsiah Kamaruddin of Malaysia (Third row, L-R) Ambassador Noel Servigon of the Philippines and Ambassador Kok Li Peng of Singapore


28 September 2021— The Philippines’ Permanent Representative to ASEAN, Ambassador Noel Servigon, served as a panelist during the ASEAN Foundation’s (AF) Alumni Townhall which was held virtually on 25 September 2021

Ambassador Servigon joined his fellow Permanent Representatives to ASEAN from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore in the forum with the topic, “How does ASEAN prepare for the jobs and skills after the COVID-19 pandemic?”.

AF Executive Director Yang Mee Eng, who served as the forum’s moderator, said that the youth labor markets are suffering from the twin shocks due to the pandemic and the subsequent economic contraction.

“The job disruption affects everyone especially those who are in the 15-25 years old bracket,” she said. “Given the current situation, the youth will likely bear heightened economic and social cost.”

Ambassador Servigon said that the Philippines is an advocate of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in ASEAN, noting the need for additional skills to recover from the pandemic.

He added that the information revolution opens new opportunities for the young people of ASEAN.

“We should maximize opportunities by taking advantage of the new ways of communication and gathering information,” he said.

The AF Alumni Townhall gathered young people who were beneficiaries of various AF programmes and activities from various ASEAN Member States.(END)