Photo: H.E. Elizabeth P. Buensuceso delivers her remarks before ASEAN and Italian business leaders. Also in photo are former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta, Minister for Economic Development Carlo CAllenda, Deputy Minister Rizal Affandi Lukma and Ambrosetti CEO Valerio DE Molli
Philippine PermRep to ASEAN Elizabeth P. Buensuceso, Chair of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to ASEAN, delivered a speech and participated in a debate during a high-level Dialogue on ASEAN-Italian relations , together with former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta, Minister for Economic Development Carlo Callenda, Indonesian Deputy Minister Rizal Affandi Lukman and Ambrosetti CEO Valerio De Molli. The gathering was also attended by around 100 captains of industry, think tanks and the diplomatic corps.
The event, coinciding with the 50th Anniversary of ASEAN and the 40th year of ASEAN-EU Dialogue Relations, was organized by the European House Ambrosetii and the Italian Embassy in Indonesia, and envisioned to be the first of a series of dialogues to encourage more vigorous linkages among Italian and ASEAN businesses. Prominent Italian and ASEAN companies including Leonardo, UBI, ITA, Thai Airways , Cakra, etc. were among the industries represented in the two-day Dialogue.
In her speech, Ambassador Buensuceso described the factors that transformed what were once poor countries into the economic dynamo that make up ASEAN today, citing statistics on the growth rate of ASEAN member states. ASEAN economies have integrated to form a market worth US$2.6 trillion with over 650 million people. In 2016 ASEAN became collectively the third largest economy in Asia and seventh largest in the world, posting exponential GDP growth rate which are among the highest in the world. Ambassador Buensuceso shared the forecast of continued growth as ASEAN strengthens its dominantly outward-looking economic policy and engaging the world’s markets.
Ambassador Buensuceso attributed the outstanding economic performance of ASEAN member states to the environment of peace and stability in the region and the fast pace of economic integration that the region has undertaken. In the midst of protectionist and populist tendencies prevailing in the world, she said that there would be no turning back for ASEAN on its path to open regionalism. She cited the objectives of an ASEAN Economic community that is highly integrated and cohesive, competitive, innovative and dynamic; with enhanced connectivity ; and a more resilient , inclusive, and people-centered, people- oriented community, and integrated with the global economy.
Former Italian Prime Minister underscored the need for Europe and ASEAN to fight protectionism and champion regional and global integration. Minister Callenda outlined a strategy for Italy to engage with ASEAN both at the regional and country-to-country level focusing on investments rather than trade and called on ASEAN member states to improve the climate of doing business in the region. Both officials expressed the hope for the ASEAN and the EU to conclude bilateral and region-to-region free trade agreements. Deputy Minister Lukman explained the reforms Indonesia is undertaking to make the country conducive to foreign investments.
During the open forum, issues on the effect of Brexit on regionalism , reduction of red-tape in doing business and the need for institutions to communicate with the people that they serve were discussed.
The European House Ambrosetti announced that their next Dialogue will be held in Singapore next year.