24 January 2025







The Permanent Mission of the Philippines to ASEAN, through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), is pleased to invite you to submit an Open Quotation for the procurement of Janitorial Services subject to the General Conditions stated herein, on or before 5:00 PM, Friday, 31 January 2025, described as follows:

Name of Project     :              Procurement of Janitorial Services for the Permanent Mission of the Philippines to ASEAN


Specifications       :               Please see attached Terms of Reference and Checklist of Compliance

General conditions:


  1. Prices should be inclusive of all relevant taxes and charges;
  2. Prices shall be quoted in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) and payment will be made also in IDR;
  3. The bidder must submit the following documentary requirements:
  1. Business permit
  2. Income tax returns
  3. Company profile
  1. The BAC reserves the right to request for or waive any documentary requirement taking into consideration the usual trade and business practices being observed in Indonesia in accordance with Government Policy Procurement Board (GPPB) Resolution No. 28-2017;
  2. This Request must not be taken as a guarantee that the Mission shall enter automatically into a contract; and should a contract be entered into, this will in no way be construed as a waiver of the Mission’s sovereign immunity;
  3. The bidder that submits the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid shall be awarded the contract subject to the best interests of the Philippine Government.

For further inquiries or clarifications, please refer to:

Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) Secretariat

Permanent Mission of the Philippines to ASEAN

Jalan Wijaya XVI No. 5, Melawai, Kebayoran Baru

Jakarta Selatan 12160, Republic of Indonesia

Tel no. (+6221) 72789030

Fax no. (+6221) 72789020

Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: www.jakartapm.dfa.gov.ph                                                    





BAC Chairperson






PROJECT NAME         :       Procurement of Janitorial Services for the Permanent Mission of the Philippines to ASEAN

CONTRACT PERIOD     :     06 February 2025 – 05 February 2026 (One year)

APPROVED BUDGET FOR THE CONTRACT     : IDR 14,800,000.00/month



The Permanent Mission of the Philippines to ASEAN in Jakarta, Indonesia intends to procure Janitorial Services to maintain the cleanliness of the Chancery for the period of 06 February 2025 – 05 February 2026 (One year).



The objective of this undertaking is to procure janitorial services for the Mission from a reputable company.



The selection of a contractor for this project shall be done in accordance with Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) Resolution 28-2017 dated 31 July 2017 (Guidelines for the Procurement of Goods and Services, Infrastructure Projects, and Consulting Services to be Procured and Performed Overseas).


The Permanent Mission of the Philippines to ASEAN in Jakarta, Indonesia, by entering into a contract with the successful bidder, does not waive its sovereign immunity, as the project is being undertaken as an official act. In this regard, any conflict arising from the implementation of the project shall be resolved through negotiations.


A. Areas of Operation
  1. First floor, second floor, basement, roof deck, guard house and outdoor bathroom and toilet of the Permanent Mission of the Philippines to ASEAN located at Jalan Wijaya XVI, No. 3/5, Melawai, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan.
  1. To assist in the cleaning of the outdoor areas, when needed.
B. Scope of Work

The Contractor should be able to provide cleaning services to the Mission and proper attire for its cleaning personnel using high industry standards and non-toxic tools, products and supplies.


The Contractor shall provide a cleaner, duly-trained and equipped to provide the service for ten (10) hours a day, Monday to Friday excluding Indonesian Legal Holidays.


I. Daily routine operations
  1. 1Routine cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces such as tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets and sinks.
  1. 2Cleaning, sweeping and mopping of stairs (wet and dry) of all horizontal surfaces, i.e. counters, floors, stairs/stairways, hallways, lobby and corridors, fire exits, guard house and basement areas.
  1. 3Removing of sticky substances or dirt on the floors with tools that will not damage the surface.
  1. 4Vacuuming of carpets.
  1. 5Spot cleaning of walls, doors, windows window panels and glass partitions at the Mission.
  1. 6Spraying of toilets and hallways with disinfectant, deodorants / fresheners.
  1. 7Cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection of all toilet / bathrooms, toilet bowls, urinals, commodes, kitchens, washrooms and wash basins with appropriate cleanser and removal of spots or stains from floors and other surfaces.
  1. 8Refilling all liquid soap dispensers, hand sanitizer dispensers and dishwashing liquid dispensers.
  1. 9Emptying and cleaning of waste bins/paper containers, and disposing of garbage and emptying of all garbage bins at designated areas.
  1. 10Proper lining of waste bins with appropriate plastic / paper bags and changing them as necessary.
  1. 11Provision of sign barriers to effectively prevent accidents in the course of completing an assignment.
  1. 12Keeping all corridors, lobby, entrance, stairways and fire exits free from obstruction.
  1. 13Deodorizing offices / rooms and other areas as may be necessary.
  1. 14Reporting of defects requiring attention and immediate action such as leaking faucets, busted bulbs among others.
II. Monthly services

The monthly services shall be performed on the last week of the month or on mutually agreed schedule of the Parties.

  1. 1Washing, scrubbing with the use of polishers, waxing and polishing of all horizontal surfaces such as floors, corridors, lobby, stairways including basement area and guard house.
  1. 2Washing, cleaning and polishing of all vertical surfaces such as inside walls, glass partitions, and windows.
  1. 3Dusting of and removing cobwebs in ceilings including lighting fixtures.
  1. 4Cleaning, disinfecting and damp-wiping of office equipment, bookshelves, cabinets and furniture, conference tables, glass tops, fixtures, including artificial plants and flowers and cleaning of vases and pots inside the Mission.
  1. 5Hose washing and sweeping all concrete grounds in the basement parking area.
  1. 6Dusting and cleaning of air condition vents / grills
  1. 7Cleaning of electric fans.
  1. 8Washing and cleaning of trash receptacles.
III. Annual Services

3.1 The Contractor must be able to provide once a year high-rise outdoor glass cleaning.


C. Supplies and Equipment

The company should be able to provide the following:

  1. Cleaning supplies (The lists should be attached to the proposal). Cleaning supplies shall be delivered to the office on the first week of the month
  1. 1Non-toxic cleaning products (detergent, liquid cleaner, air freshener, deodorizer, toilet cleaner etc.) and supplies (hand sanitizer, toilet paper, hand towel, hand soap, etc.).
  1. Cleaning tools and equipment (The lists should be attached to the proposal).

Important Notes:

  1. 1.The Contractor must orient the cleaning personnel to follow the instructions on the label of cleaning supplies to ensure safe and effective use of the products.
  2. 2.Hand sanitizer must NOT contain harmful levels of methanol.
  3. 3.The contractor MUST guarantee that the distributor of both the disinfectant spray and hand sanitizer to be supplied to the Mission must have license for production and distribution certificates for household health supplies (PKRT).
  4. 4.List of monthly delivery and report of utilization of supplies should be submitted to the Mission every last day of the month.


Monthly payment will be made within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the monthly official invoice.